Advocates are concerned that the entire corridor is not being rebuilt under current discussions of the reconstruction of the Allston/Brighton Mass. Pike interchange, leaving the section from Union Square to Harvard Avenue untouched and the intersection with Soldiers Field Road and the River Street Bridge on DCR property in their current dangerous condition.
FY15 Chapter 90 Summary – Municipal Roads
FY15 Chapter 90 highway funding totals for Senator Brownsberger’s constituent communities. Although higher levels of Chapter 90 highway funding may be available in the future, the FY15 state budget has the same overall $200 million allocation that has been authorized for the three previous fiscal years.
Bridgewater State Hospital
It’s tragically difficult to treat patients who are at once (a) truly dangerous and (b) badly in need of mental health care. Hearings on the Governor’s proposed legislation have raised real dilemmas: good legislation on the subject will take some time.
Disclosure of Independent Campaign Spending
The Senate passed legislation requiring timely disclosure of “independent” spending in political campaigns. This is the most significant practical response that Massachusetts can make to the Citizens United case and I had long supported it.
Senate Passes Campaign Finance Legislation
From the Senate President’s office: the Senate on Wednesday unanimously passed a bill to strengthen reporting requirements for independent expenditure committees and bring a higher level of transparency to elections in the Commonwealth.
Access to the Ride — a complaint
Dr. Klemens Meyer writes about difficulties one of his patients has experienced with the MBTA’s The Ride program.