A traffic advisory from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation about detours involving the Bowker Overpass connecting Storrow Drive to the Fenway area.
An Act relative to domestic violence – Committee Summary
A section-by-section summary of S.2234 (An Act Relative To Domestic Violence), which was enacted by both branches of the Legislature and laid before the Governor.
Substance Abuse Recovery Legislation Committee Summary
A summary of S.2142 (An Act To Increase Opportunities For Long-Term Substance Abuse Recovery), which was enacted by both branches of the Legislature and laid before the Governor.
Senate Committee on Steering & Policy 188th Session Wrap-up
Senator Mike Rush, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Steering and Policy, circulated this summary of the major initiatives and accomplishments of the Senate–even though not every bill that passed the Senate was also enacted by the House and signed by the Governor.
Computations in Airplane Noise Study
This post offers some background related to the conversation about airplane noise in Belmont and Watertown including some downloadable data.
This post is basically an exploration of the data. But it does yield a bottom line insight: flights departing from runway 33L are very concentrated over two narrow corridors in Belmont and Watertown, but spreading them out by as much as 1000 meters in either direction would not make a detectable difference in experienced noise levels.
2013-2014 Session Wrapup
It was a very productive legislative session. We did get a lot done, but weren’t able to reach some important issues.