An Open Boston City Council

Open/release the Plain Text Stenographic Record of Public Meetings of the Boston City Council for hard of hearing, deaf, ESL English as a Second Language folks! And release the Full Text of Captioning from Webcasts/Cablecasts of Public Meetings of Boston City Council for hard of hearing, deaf, ESL folks.

Task force ready for changes

As reported by the Watertown TAB, “As the New Year starts residents,residents, local officials and the MBTA are looking towards a major reexamination of the traffic and local transportation in Watertown. Last year, with the creation of the Watertown Public Transit Task Force, Task Force chair Joseph Levendusky and the group’s members voiced their complaints to the MBTA at several public meetings.”

Vigil attendees speak out against racism

The Belmont Citizen-Herald reports on the candlelight justice vigil held in Belmont on December 14 and the discussion following, during which “State Sen. Will Brownsberger said that if he is reappointed Senate chairman of the Judiciary Committee, he plans to hold hearings in communities of color across Massachusetts about the impact of the criminal justice system in those communities.”