The legislature and the Governor recently announced a joint commitment to avoid cuts in state aid to municipalities in the current fiscal year despite the state’s own loss of revenues.
Proposed Use of Force Rules
The Senate’s Reform, Shift, + Build Act creates a new statutory framework, where none currently exists, to govern use of force by law enforcement.
A Sample of Proposed Frameworks for Responding to Police Brutality
The following are policy frameworks that have been brought to the attention of Senator Brownsberger’s office this week as possible responses to police brutality.
COVID-19 Check-in Survey III Results
Traffic is likely to remain below pre-COVID-19 levels for a lengthy period.
Phased Reopening Plan
The changes effective today are very limited.
MassLive Reports on the Findings of the Special Commission on Bail
Senator Brownsberger served on the legislature’s Special Commission on Bail Reform, which recently released its findings, covered here.