Senate Ways and Means Draft: An Act to Reduce Traffic Fatalities

The Senate Committee on Ways and Means has reported a new draft of An Act to reduce traffic fatalities, which will be debated later this week.  This bill was developed by several members of the legislature in collaboration with a coalition of bicycle, pedestrian and transportation advocates.  The bill was redrafted slightly from the version reported from the Transportation Committee.

Transportation Committee Redraft: An Act to Reduce Traffic Fatalities

Senator Brownsberger, Rep. Rogers, Rep. Hecht, several other legislators and a coalition of bicycle, pedestrian and transportation advocates worked to develop, An Act to Reduce Traffic Fatalities, which included several different measures to improve road safety.  The Joint Committee on Transportation recently reported favorably a redraft of the bill, which has been sent to the Committee …

An Act to reduce traffic fatalities

Senator Brownsberger, Representatives Rogers and Hecht along with several other legislators and a coalition of bicycle, pedestrian and transportation advocates worked together to develop a bill, An Act to Reduce Traffic Fatalities, which includes several measures to improve road safety. This comprehensive road safety bill includes: • childhood bicycle education • large vehicle safety equipment …