As I head towards a vote later this spring on the proposed transfer of SFR and Storrow from DCR to MassDOT, I would very much appreciate feedback on the proposal — whether it should go forward and, if so, under what conditions.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Bus Bunching
I recently sat down with senior bus operations managers at the MBTA to get an update on their efforts to keep service properly spaced.
Mount Auburn/Fresh Pond Improvements
Unfortunately, I cannot personally attend the meeting about the improvements, but I wish to state that I fully support the next steps outlined by DCR.
1/27: Watertown Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Public Meeting
A discussion on the future of Watertown’s bicycle and pedestrian transportation networks
Setting Priorities for Rail
After reliability, the next priority has to be supporting mode-shift. We need to get people out of cars into commuter trains, capturing trips that people are already making.
Congestion at Rush Hour
The public is crying out for congestion reduction at rush hour and public transportation can respond to that call. It is time for the deliberations about rail service expansion to zero-in on the one challenge that rail is most likely to be able to meet.