If you have felt that congestion on Mount Auburn crossing Fresh Pond Parkway has been especially bad over the past few weeks, you are right. Hopefully, this week, things are better and things will improve a bit further by the end of the month for reasons I’ll list in this post. Meanwhile we continue to push for permanent improvements to this intersection.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Bowker/I-90 Ramps Meeting Rescheduled
From MassDOT — the long awaited and once rescheduled report on the I-90 ramps study. The meeting will be at 7:00 on Tuesday, November 18th in the Commonwealth Salon at the Boston Public Library.
The Need to Index Gas Tax Revenues
The gas tax is dedicated by law to highway and transit maintenance and improvements. Needless to say, I am opposed to anything that would reduce current or future revenues dedicated to these purposes. But I want to emphasize three particular reasons why I supported the gas tax indexing as a legislator.
MBTA Designing Improvements to Green Line
This BNN News interview with Senator Brownsberger and Erik Stoothoff, Chief Engineer of MBTA Design and Construction, looks at the planned improvements to the Commonwealth Avenue Green Line proposed by the MBTA to consolidate four B branch stops: BU West, St. Paul, Babcock, and Pleasant, down to two new accessible stops to help reduce travel times and improve safety.
Commonwealth Avenue Construction Advisory
The MBTA will be conducting work over the next two weekends that will disrupt Green Line service and road traffic on Commonwealth Avenue.
Green Line Tracking
The MBTA announced today that real time tracking information is now available for Green Line trains. In Phase I of this highly anticipated project, users will be able to track above ground train locations in real time. As this press release explains, more features are forthcoming in future phases.