The central recommendation of the Governor’s MBTA task force was greater accountability for the MBTA. I agree — the management team needs direct accountability to the Governor. That accountability will give the team the strength it needs to sharpen its focus and make change happen.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Governor’s Special Panel Reports on the Problems of the MBTA
In response to the significant service disruptions experienced across the MBTA system during the winter of 2015, Governor Baker convened a special panel to review the management and operations of the MBTA. The panel has issued a 50 page report of findings. Here are the key findings of the panel.
Proposed Project: Massachusetts Ave Bridge over Commonwealth Avenue in Back Bay Replacement
MassDOT hosted an informational meeting about the proposed Mass. Ave, – Comm. Ave. bridge replacement project. This post includes a brief description of the proposed project, which will include bicycle lanes and will be constructed in summer 2016.
The Challenges Faced by the MBTA
To run Greater Boston, we need trains and buses that run reliably. To get there, we are going to have to make some hard choices. Given limited resources and more or less fixed costs, we need to do a better job setting priorities within our transportation budget.
MBTA Service Updates
Please be aware that until subway train service is normal, bus service will is likely to be subnormal. In general, the T’s entire fleet of buses is in use at rush hour. To the extent that buses are diverted to cover train service, bus routes will see less frequent service.
Massachusetts Ave/Commonwealth Ave Bridge – MassDOT Public Hearing
Next Wednesday, February 11, MassDOT will host a public meeting at the Boston Public Library from 6 to 8 p.m. regarding replacement of the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge over Commonwealth Avenue in the Back Bay. Here is more information on the meeting from MassDOT.