The DCR has awarded a contract to develop an approach to improving the system of intersections around Mt. Auburn Street and Fresh Pond Parkway. The accepted proposal conveys a strong understanding of the problems around the intersection and the potential for change. It contemplates an early public meeting and we will make sure that this is publicized broadly when it is scheduled.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Interesting proposal for Mass Ave redesign in Cambridge
This is someone else’s work; I just saw it and thought it made a tremendous amount of sense. The motivation is: Mass Ave in Cambridge devotes far more space than necessary to automobile traffic, based on existing car counts, and is too dangerous for many people to bike, and traffic jams there impede transit. …
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Senate Passes Hands Free Driving Bill
We share this press release from the Senate President’s office on the Senate’s passage of a Hands Free Driving Bill. The bill now moves on to the House of Representatives.
OK, let’s ban hand-held cell phone use while driving.
I’ve gotten a huge volume of feedback on the legislative proposal to ban hand-held phone use. The feedback I have received has convinced me to support the proposal.
Ban hand-held cell phone use while driving?
Next week, the Senate will vote on a proposal to ban use of hand-held cell phones while driving. As a frequent cyclist, I am a “vulnerable road user” and do live in fear of distracted drivers. But I am not sure how I’ll vote yet. I’d really like to hear from folks on this one.
Longfellow Bridge construction impact.
Representative Livingstone and Senator Brownsberger have been getting a number of emails about bike travel on the redesigned Longfellow Bridge. Here are Mass DOT’s responses about both inbound and outbound bike travel on the bridge.