Comment from Will B. There have been a number of personnel changes that have complicated our efforts to nail down plans for the park improvements, but Highway Commissioner Tom Tinlin and the new DCR Commissioner Leo Roy are getting closer to an understanding of how to move forward. Senator Brownsberger and Representative Rushing recently met with the …
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
71 Bus New Stop Locations
Outbound stops Stop # Stop names (prior to 3/19/16) Key Bus Route Proposal from 2013 New stop names as of 3/19/16 (where applicable) Change in status as of 3/19/16 2118 Belmont St @ Cushing St Maintain 2119 Belmont St @ Sullivan Rd Maintain 2120 Belmont St @ Oxford Ave Eliminate Stop closed 2121 Belmont St …
2016 Green Line Forum – attend on April 26 for an update on service
MBTA General Manager Frank DePaola and staff will be coming to the Brighton Elks Lodge on Tuesday, April 26 from 6-8PM to present a status report on Green Line service. This is a chance for the public to understand where things are headed and to raise issues, ask questions, and get answers. Directions to the Brighton Elks Lodge can be found here.
Massachusetts anti-motorist bills
In January, Massachusetts legislature’s Joint Committee on Transportation considered a number of bills: The full list of bills is here: I urge you to oppose the major bills: S.1807*, S.1808*, S.1809*, S.1859, S.1879, S.1900, H.3069, H.3072, H.3073. * Filed by Will B. Also in the mix are a few bills that may or may …
Should the state regulate Uber drivers?
The Senate will soon consider legislation regulating Uber and other ride matching companies. Although I have real sympathy for individuals who have money tied up in taxi medallions, I will not support legislation that will hamper the transition to the superior new model. I welcome feedback on every facet of this industry transition, but I am particularly interested in feedback on the issue of passenger security.
Bicycle Safety Forum — Take Aways?
Last week we had a great forum on bike safety at Suffolk University. We got a lot of input that we are still digesting. Still thinking about how to put the pieces together and would welcome additional comments.