Language that has passed both branches will give local authorities new flexibility to set lower limits.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
S.2354– An Act relative to sight-seeing vehicle safety
Following the recent and tragic death of 28-year-old Allison Warmuth, attention has turned toward improving safety in the sight-seeing industry. Senator Brownsberger has filed a bill, S.2354 – An Act relative to sight-seeing vehicle safety, that aims to address these deficiencies and, in the process, make the streets safer. Here’s a breakdown of the two major …
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What happened to the Belmont Street / Trapelo Road bicycle lane
Where is the bike lane on Belmont Street and Trapelo Road? It looks like final striping was done recently and what was painted does not deserve to be called a bike lane. All along we were told buffered bike lanes were required by federal guidelines (because of the 90% federal funding). What is there now …
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Fingerprints fail in Senate Uber bill
CommonWealth Magazine reports on the ride-sharing bill that ultimately passed the Senate. Fingerprint based background checks were left out of the bill however the Department of Public Utilities could implement them under the regulatory authority granted in this legislation if it is determined that this type of check will benefit public safety.
Senate Bill on regulating Uber, Lyft, etc.
I fully support the Senate’s carefully vetted bill on transportation network companies. It will protect public safety without creating barriers to the expansion of TNCs.
Mount Auburn Street Corridor Study Materials
The Mount Auburn Street Corridor Study working group, dedicated to improving the system of intersections around Mount Auburn Street and Fresh Pond Parkway had its first meeting. DCR has a website with information about the study and we will post materials distributed after each meeting below: Materials from the 5/5/2016 Meeting: Stakeholder Group membership list …
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