Helpful presentation from the T on what to expect when in the way of capacity and reliability improvements. Bottom line: Improvement will be steady and will reach their maximum level around 2025.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Understanding the New Bus Lanes
Thousands of commuters on Mount Auburn Street and on Fresh Pond Parkway had a very rough ten days starting on Monday, November 5. But the problems appear to have been finally fixed.
Bike lane danger
the new bike lanes on Mt Auburn are very dangerous- they disappear intermittently and cars are weaving into and out of the lanes to adjust to the bus lanes- and then into bikes! I almost was hit twice today with cars appropriately moving into the right lane by Star market and then back left by the split past Aberdeen.
Bus Lanes Going Live
Bus Lanes with signal priority for the 71 and 73 buses are going live on Monday!
Busting Ghost Buses
Predicting bus arrival times in traffic is not an exact science, but real improvements in MBTA predications can be expected as of today and further improvements over the next few months.
MBTA Focus 40 Priority Places
Offering graphics with actual density numbers by census tract.