MBTA Improvements

Two recent presentations by the MBTA show good progress towards future improvements: Red Line Capacity Constraints A recent comprehensive study of the Red Line indicated that a new vehicles, signal upgrades and operations improvements could result in major service improvements and an increase in system throughput, effectively increasing capacity. Automated Fare Collection 2.0 AFC 2.0 will be a completely …

Changing Expectations for the Green Line

At our recent forum about the Green Line’s future, MBTA General Manager Frank DePoala offered hope for continuous improvement of reliability and modest resulting capacity increases, but no hope for big capacity increases within the visible planning horizon. The dose of reality he offered about the long term will require some time to digest.

Meeting Notes for 10/23/14 Comm. Ave. Green Line Public Meeting

Senator Brownsberger hosted a public meeting on October 23 at which MBTA personnel outlined a proposal to consolidate four Green Line stops along Commonwealth Avenue. The project would turn BU West, St. Paul, Babcock, and Pleasant into two fully accessible stations to help reduce travel times and improve safety.