Bowker Overpass Repairs Update

The Bowker Overpass Repair Project is moving towards completion. Phase 4 demolition started last week and will continue into December on the western lane of the northbound side of the overpass. This is the final phase of demolition, which has been the noisiest and most disruptive work for neighbors. The repair project is expected to be complete by summer of 2016.

I-90 Allston Interchange Project Finance

The funding for the highway component of this project will come from toll money. However, the rest of the project remains without identified funding sources. At both the state and federal level there is a finite amount of money available for transit projects. Solving the funding challenges for this project is a top priority for Senator Brownsberger and other neighborhood legislators.

Traffic on Blanchard Road North

I’m very concerned about the numbers of large trucks and trailers that pass through the narrow single lane stretch of Blanchard just before the intersection at Concord Ave. This is a densely populated area occupied by multi-families homes with children on each side of the road. If we let this pattern continue, the safety and quality of the neighboring residents will be at risk.

Trapelo/Common Intersection

There has been serious confusion at the reworked Trapelo Road/Common Street intersection, especially for traffic coming from Watertown. Everyone involved is very aware of the confusion and are all working together to make the situation safer, including immediate changes listed in this post. The bottom line: Don’t continue across Trapelo on Common except on the straight green.