I appreciate very much that MassDOT has been moving forward with truck safety improvements.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
EZ Drive MA Scam
EZDriveMA and MassDOT will never request payment by text.
Mem Drive Safety Improvements
Safety improvements will begin immediately in the wake of the death of a cyclist on Memorial Drive.
Bowker Overpass Update
MassDOT is holding a public meeting on July 11 about the very exciting Bowker overpass reconstruction projects.
Scooters and pedestrians
Every other day or so, I hear from a new person who is deeply concerned about people on motor powered scooters endangering themselves and others.
Note on MBTA Funding
Several commenters on my recent budget post expressed support for increased MBTA funding. I completely agree! I identified increased MBTA funding as my top budget priority in this cycle.