State Election Laws

Will, The MassVote organization current campaign for election law reform includes: Online registration. We’re living in the 21st century! It’s time to let citizens register online. Pre-registration.  When young people are registered, they vote.  So how can we get more young people registered?  By letting them register when they’re 16 and 17 so they’re set …

Citizen Rally and Summit for Democracy, Boston Jan 20 & 21

Please attend this two-day event if you can, and consider endorsing important related Statehouse bills S304 (campaign funding disclosure) S305 (corporate accountability) S308 (clean elections) 1577  (pay to play) On the January 20–21 anniversary of the Citizens United decision, a wide coalition of groups will stand together for GETTING MONEY OUT OF POLITICS! From 12:30pm-1:30pm …

Will wrong on redistricting

It pains me to public disagree with our usually well intentioned state representative, but Rep Brownsberger was wrong to vote in favor of a 28 member Legislative Redistricting Commission offered by his party rather than a seven person non legislative commission. While it was the politically smart and easy vote, it is not in keeping …

Massachusetts Freedom to Vote Act

I realize there’s not much time left in the current legislative session and that there are probably more than a few good bills that won’t quite make it through the legislative process in time.  I hope that the Massachusetts Freedom to Vote Act (H 651 and S. 348), can be one of those that do …

re: National Popular Vote

Grant, I have argued with Will about NPV before, but I’ll add a few more thoughts. First, the bill did pass both houses of the Massachusetts legislature in the last session, but failed to reach the governor’s desk only because the session came to a close before a final procedural vote could be taken. I’m …