We share this MA Senate 2015 Accomplishments interactive infographic provided by the Senate President’s office. Simply click on issue area icons and the text below each subject to learn more about the process, commentary, and conversation that was involved in achieving each initiative.
Legislative News
commonwealth conversations, outlook, senate press releases, updates and analysis
Senate Passes Legislation on Veterans, Healthy Youth, Physical Education, Social Media Privacy
We share this press release from the Senate President’s office on legislation passed on the last day of formal sessions until January.
My 2015 Voting Percentage
I have worked hard to maintain a near perfect voting record in all my voting roles. However, on July 30, I chose to attend an important meeting outside the State House, even though I knew it would cause me to miss several hours of busy roll call voting. I wanted to let people know the story behind the statistic.
Inside Baseball: The House/Senate Rules Conversation
This post is a message from the bipartisan leadership of the State Senate about the conversation going on right now in formulating the rules that govern the flow of bills in the legislature. The conversation is going to reach a conclusion over the next week or so, but I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts.
Senators Brownsberger & Forry appear on BNN News about Metro Boston Tour
With the Metro Boston Commonwealth Conversations tour just around the corner on Wednesday, March 4, Senator Brownsberger and Senator Linda Dorcena Forry (D-Dorchester) appeared on Boston Neighborhood Network News (BNN) to talk about the tour and to encourage folks to come out to the public events at Brighton High School at 9:00 a.m. and the town hall forum at Roxbury Community College at 6:30 p.m. This is an opportunity for you to be heard by a group of Senators on your concerns and ideas as they build an agenda for this new legislative session.
Millennials – tell the MA Senate what you think.
The Commonwealth Conversations tour is an opportunity to tell a group of MA senators what’s on your mind by attending a public forum or submitting testimony at the tour website. The input senators receive will help them know what’s important to residents across the Commonwealth as the Senate sets its agenda for the next two-year legislative session.