The Senate’s Reform, Shift, + Build Act creates a new statutory framework, where none currently exists, to govern use of force by law enforcement.
animal welfare, civil law and procedure, criminal law, disability, drug policy, family law, freedom of speech, guardianship, gun violence, housing law, immigration, indigenous agenda, lgbtq rights, policing, privacy, sexual child abuse, terrorism, women's rights
Police Office Standards and Accreditation Committee
We need an independent state board with authority to certify police officers, receive civilian complaints, investigate serious police misconduct, and decertify officers when serious misconduct or a pattern of lesser misconduct is proven.
State Police Reform in the Reform, Shift + Build Act
Details of the state police reforms incorporated in the Reform, Shift + Build Act.
Qualified Immunity
The changes to qualified immunity that are proposed by the Senate’s policing bill responsible and overdue. I support them as written, but I am not opposed to clarifying amendments.
Story of a scam
This story of a scam is a cautionary tale.
A Sample of Proposed Frameworks for Responding to Police Brutality
The following are policy frameworks that have been brought to the attention of Senator Brownsberger’s office this week as possible responses to police brutality.