Massachusetts Alimony Reform 2011: Big Changes?

The matter of alimony is almost invariably a highly emotional and contentious issue for all parties involved, however the current state of Massachusetts alimony laws is rather antiquated and leaves much to be desired. A new bill currently making its way through the Massachusetts legislature with a large amount of momentum would radically reform these …

Report on the Employer E-Verify System

  The Massachusetts Fiscal Year 2012 Budget is currently in conference committee; the House and Senate working on negotiations over its final draft. Recently, the Senate passed its own version of the Fair Employment and Security amendment, Section 122.   Much of this amendment, particularly sections 1-7, regards the implementation of the Homeland Security created …

Considering reform to parole standards in Massachusetts

A number of lawmakers in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts have found good reason to consider parole reform for repeat criminal offenders. While specific reforms to the current system have been in study for a number of years, there has been some debate as to how to move forward with new legislation. The bill that has …