Earlier this week, Senator Pacheco’s Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change released an omnibus bill climate change bill. The bill combines dozens of ideas for reducing carbon emissions, including authorizations for powerful new market mechanisms.
Carbon and Climate
building energy, divestment, emissions data, personal footprint, preparing for climate change, reducing emissions in ma, science and goals
Defending Infrastructure
Defending our critical infrastructure from increased flood risks requires supporting the agencies that own infrastructure with adequate funding.
Agency efforts to assess flood risk
Many public agencies are taking steps to evaluate flood risk exposures due to climate change and set plans in motion. Much remains to be done!
Planning for Rising Seas — Lay of the Land
Considering flood risks out to the 20 foot contour appears to be responsible over the next 100 years. The good news is that careful risk analysis is happening across many agencies.
2017-2018 Oil & Gas Legislation
There are several bills before the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy relative to oil and gas infrastructure and gas leaks that have been filed this session which may be of interest to advocates.
Planning for Rising Seas
Global sea levels are forecast to rise this century. By the year 2100, there is a 96% chance that Boston sea level will have risen by at least 1.8 ft. (0.56 m), a 1.3% chance of the rise exceeding 6.3 ft. (1.92 m) and a 0.1% chance of exceeding 11 ft. (3.4 m).