Please add Working against Poverty

It would be helpful if your categories included working against poverty. We don’t like to look at poverty in Massachusetts, but it is there. Here are some examples; With the Congress not extending unemployment benefits, many will be forced to use food banks, which report being drawn down seriously. In the Commonwealth we allow 4000 …

The Senate’s Welfare Reform Proposal

The Senate has released its comprehensive proposal to strengthen the state’s largest cash assistance program, Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC). We will vote on it later this week. Here are the major components of the Senate’s proposal: First, the bill requires analysis and reporting on some fundamental program issues that have not …

Welfare Fraud

Will, The State Auditors scathing report on Welfare Fraud yesterday confirms my and many others suspicions that the Welfare System is ripe with massive fraud. Taxpayers are outraged at the protectionism the Welfare System has been getting from lawmakers. There will be backlash from the citizenry/voters over this. If we are to give money out, …

Youth Homelessness Epidemic Kickstarter Video

The average age of a person experiencing homelessness in MA is just 8 years old!   Please view the kickstarter project “Invisible Faces” to see how you can make a difference in the lives of over 14,000 homeless youth in Massachusetts! The funding for this project will support youth homeless programs including Youth on Fire …