Industry representatives claim that non-competition agreements are necessary for companies to protect their intellectual property, more specifically to protect their “trade secrets.” On the contrary, a non-competition (N-C) agreement is the wrong tool for protecting confidential intellectual property (IP). The primary effect of N-C agreements is to suppress competition in the labor market and N-C agreements are unethical.
casinos, consumer issues, convention center, development strategy, housing, industry regulation, inequality, intellectual property, net neutrality, non-competition agreements, olympics, poverty and assistance, turnpike air rights development, work
this proposed law would now be watered down to the point that it will have little impact over its current misuse. With no protection for those making over $100K, mid level managment and design staff is stuck with the same restraint of trade.
Non-compete draft language
Representative Ehrlich agreement and I have reached agreement on a draft that we both feel currently feel comfortable with. We look forward to further vetting and input. Formal hearings will occur in the Fall.
re: Non compete legislation
In my case, I was/am a sales rep, not a high level mgr. I was recently terminated “without cause” by my employer and even though I was offered a great position with another company I cannot accept the postion as my previous employer has told me they would seek an injunction against me and file …
Banning agreements not to compete
Discussion is heating up in the State House about legislation to ban agreements not to compete. I filed with Senator Pat Jehlen a complete ban on these agreements and Rep. Lori Ehrlich has filed a bill that would limit them.
Casinos are not inevitable
One of the arguments sometimes made in favor of licensing casinos is that Indian tribes in Massachusetts will get full casino licenses under federal law no matter what we do. This appears to be false.