Changing Expectations for the Green Line

At our recent forum about the Green Line’s future, MBTA General Manager Frank DePoala offered hope for continuous improvement of reliability and modest resulting capacity increases, but no hope for big capacity increases within the visible planning horizon. The dose of reality he offered about the long term will require some time to digest.

Responding to critics of the movement to reform criminal justice

Readers took the time to offer frank criticism — both online and offline — of the piece I published last week about reforming criminal justice by shifting resources from incarceration to treatment. I appreciate the dialog. Keeping the public safe is the top goal of government, and we are starting to get past knee-jerk answers and get smart on crime.

The movement to reform criminal justice

I spent a Saturday in early April in Denver at a national meeting about criminal justice reform. The chance to hear what people are doing and thinking in other states was worth the plane time. The country is in the middle of a national attitude change on criminal justice issues: there is an increasing sense that we have gone too far with incarceration.