The disappointing news last week was the response of some leaders that political influence is OK in probation. Probationary supervision is an important strategy for cost-effectively controlling crime and it is centrally important that we do probation well.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Deep Energy Retrofit in Belmont
We are doing a “deep energy retrofit” of our home. It’s a nice time to drive by if you are interested in the insulation process — different parts of the structure are at different stages.
Massachusetts Employment Lawyers Association endorses Non-Compete Bill
Read the MELA endorsement letter here!
Truck Ban on Blanchard Road
Residents on Blanchard Road between Concord Avenue and Grove Street (which lies in Cambridge, but on the Belmont line), have expressed an interest in having a ban on truck traffic. The challenge is to identify a non-residential alternative route.
Progress on virtual learning in Massachusetts
Massachusetts is moving forward to allow the creation of virtual schools. The progress is good news, although we may still be moving too cautiously.
Report on Meeting with MassDOT re Cell Phone Sites
Just to keep all informed: I met this morning for about 30 minutes with folks from the Mass Department of Transportation’s real estate division and their legislative liaison. As in my meetings with Verizon, I made clear to them that the currently proposed Exit 59 location is a dead proposal in my mind. They explained …
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