What do we want the MBTA to be in 2030?

What do we need our public transportation to look like twenty years from now? There is consensus that we need to address the backlog in our transportation infrastructure maintenance, but no consensus on what we need to develop for the future. My advocacy priority now is to build consensus that we need to improve our …

What happened with the Trapelo Road road project (604688) ???

Got this question by email: I just noticed that all the bids (both) got cancelled on 12/20/2012 and bidding will re-open at some future date. Why? Answer: The bids came in high because of some concerns about challenges that the project would raise — bidders seemed to view it as a tunnel project requiring special …

Reinstate the federal assault weapons ban

Aching for the Sandy Hook children and for the teachers who gave the last full measure of devotion trying to save them, many are asking once again what we can do to better protect innocent people.  To substantially reduce handgun and assault weapon availability, we need a federal solution. From the facts of the case …