2013 Reform Bill

In 2013, Representative Ehrlich and I have filed a simplified version of our non-competition reform bill. Click here for the story behind this legislation. Click here for fuller background. The basic elements of the bill are: An employee non-competition agreement longer than six months is presumed unreasonable — under current judge-made law, agreements of a …

Transgender Rights in the 2013 Session

I’ve recently received some emails urging me to back repeal of the transgender rights bill. I supported and continue to support the transgender rights we protected last year. Here is how I have been replying: I’m happy to discuss this issue with you. I really see it differently. It’s not about boys “who simply believe …

Automation and Inequality

Tom Friedman’s January 29th New York Times column reinforces the argument I made in my series on inequality.  Automation is increasing inequality by eliminating middle-skill jobs.  It also reinforces the thought that we need to retool our education system to encourage more initiative and project creativity — it isn’t enough to be able to pass tests.  …

Election Law Reforms

I’ve recently received a number of emails urging me to sign on to legislation related to election Law reforms. The list appears below. My biggest concern is to avoid the long lines which occurred at the last Presidential election and I’ve cosponsored the Murray/Straus early voting bill. I will also cosponsor the Finegold package which …

Key animal protection bills this session

I have recently received a number of emails in the form below urging supporting of key animal protection bills. I feel strongly about animal protection issues and I am already a cosponsor of all these bills! ——————– I am writing to ask that you co-sponsor these key animal protection bills this session: Farm Animal Confinement …