Panel studies science of sex offenders

Senator Brownsberger co-chairs the Special Commission to Reduce the Recidivism of Sex Offenders. The Boston Herald reports that the, “legislative commission tasked with reducing the rate at which sex offenders reoffend is “reviewing the science” about the best way to manage sex offenders ahead of a presentation Wednesday that may suggest changes to state law.” More on SORC can be found at

MBTA Designing Improvements to Green Line

This BNN News interview with Senator Brownsberger and Erik Stoothoff, Chief Engineer of MBTA Design and Construction, looks at the planned improvements to the Commonwealth Avenue Green Line proposed by the MBTA to consolidate four B branch stops: BU West, St. Paul, Babcock, and Pleasant, down to two new accessible stops to help reduce travel times and improve safety.

Your Green Line Commute May One Day Be Faster reports, “On Thursday, October 23, officials from the transit agency will meet at the Boston Public Library to go over a new plan to consolidate four stops along Commonwealth Avenue. According to details about the meeting, which will be hosted by Senator William Brownsberger and Senator Cynthia Creem, the proposed project would turn the …