Jim Braude of WGBH’s Greater Boston interviewed Ivan and Martha Warmuth about their work to improve duck boat safety.
Format Archives:
Duck boat safety bill gets new push after recent crash
Fox 25 reports on S.2354 An act relative to sight-seeing vehicle safety in the wake of a recent duck boat accident.
Hugs and high-fives as advocates celebrate transgender bill
The Boston Globe reports on the ceremony celebrating the signing of the transgender public accommodations bill.
Lawmakers hear testimony on duck boat fatality
The Boston Globe reports on a Transportation Committee hearing on S.2354 “An Act relative to sight-seeing vehicle safety.” This bill, filed by Senator Brownsberger, would require a separate driver and guide on all sight-seeing vehicles and require proximity sensors and blind spot cameras on all amphibious vehicles.
Legislature will vote Thursday on final transgender anti-discrimination bill
MassLive reports that the bill to extend anti-discrimination protections to transgender people in public accommodations has been reported from conference committee and would receive final votes on Thursday.
Deal sets up transgender-rights bill for votes today
The Lowell Sun via State House News Service reports that a compromise has been reached and the transgender public accommodations bill will be voted on today.