Symphony T Station Maintenance Memo

Last week, Senator Brownsberger received a memo from MassDOT detailing plans for maintenance at the Symphony T Station, which, while reproduced in part below, can be found in full here.

The following work has been done at Symphony Station:

  • West Bound platform, Lobby and pit have been painted
  • East Bound platform, Lobby and pit will commence next week
  • All stairways will be painted as weather conditions improve
  • All lighting is operational

This work was completed prior to the Mayors state of the City Address. Anything more requires a more thorough design, as  nearly everything will need to be upgraded to meet current codes when we make even modest physical alterations requiring a building permit. The exception is the removal of the textured wall surface coating, however we are evaluating better long-term solutions in the event that we find hidden defects masked by this covering.

A consulting design firm, Thorton Tomasetti (TT) is being tasked to work with the community and stakeholders to develop a preferred design concept to make the station fully code compliant. The preferred design will include input and consensus from local community businesses and neighborhoods along with the City of Boston. This will aid the MBTA in developing a potential future Capital Investment Funding Request (CFR) based on the final scope of the improvements to be made. The Notice to proceed is expected to be given to TT by April 1. Early progress submittals will be made by TT in late summer. At that point the public outreach portion of the project will commence. MBTA Capital Delivery will be leading this effort.