Non-competition Agreements: Will’s Common sense reform bill

Sen. Brownsberger’s Reform Bill is common sense. No person should be banned from finding employment. Six months is a reasonable length of time. Actually, I think no time should be put upon people but I believe in compromise and your suggestion is workable for both the employee and employer. As a country, we should not …

2013 Reform Bill

In 2013, Representative Ehrlich and I have filed a simplified version of our non-competition reform bill. Click here for the story behind this legislation. Click here for fuller background. The basic elements of the bill are: An employee non-competition agreement longer than six months is presumed unreasonable — under current judge-made law, agreements of a …

Transgender Rights in the 2013 Session

I’ve recently received some emails urging me to back repeal of the transgender rights bill. I supported and continue to support the transgender rights we protected last year. Here is how I have been replying: I’m happy to discuss this issue with you. I really see it differently. It’s not about boys “who simply believe …

Armenian Genocide Commemoration Planning Underway

The Armenian Genocide Commemoration has become a powerful annual event at the State House, one that commemorates the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians between 1915 and 1923 by the Ottoman Turkish government, at the same time honoring survivors and celebrating the work of Armenian-Americans. The annual State House event is attended by many members of the Massachusetts Armenian community, elected officials, …