The House and Senate passed a sweeping $1 billion Economic Development Bill…
Tests of Character
When the going gets tough, you see what people are made of. I liked a lot of what I saw this year in the legislature and I got closer to my colleagues as we shared difficult choices.
Short Term Rentals Conference Committee Report
The House and Senate have reached an agreement to regulate and tax short term rentals, like AirBnB.
Senator Browsberger Budget Outcomes
Senator Brownsberger filed several amendments to the FY19 Budget.
On Massachusetts’ Knee-Jerk Reaction To Safe Injection Sites
Callie Crossley examines Massachusetts’ appetite for supervised injection facilities in “Under the Radar with Callie Crossley” on WGBH.
Repealing archaic laws
Today, after 50 years of intermittent attempts, we finally legalized abortion, contraception and consensual adult sex in Massachusetts.