Should universal post-secondary education be our goal? There is good evidence that the answer is no.
What should our national carbon emissions reduction goal be?
Our goal should be to create an economy substantially independent of the burning of fossil fuels.
Does a college education command a premium in the workplace?
It is not clear that a college education per se supports higher productivity. Rather college completion is an indicator of industry and ability (as well as childhood financial advantage).
What level of education do employers really want for their employees?
The direct evidence about what employers are actually looking for in new hires in “good” jobs is mixed and suggests that personal virtues are more important than particular skills.
Algebra II for all?
There is little to suggest that high school mathematics content is directly relevant to most jobs.
If not college for all?
It is hardly clear that our economy is capable of offering everyone the opportunity to realize their full potential, but we at least want to get kids to the starting gate of adult working life with an education that maximizes their early potential.