A quick update on Alewife traffic issues. Some progress has been made that merits report.
Question two — marijuana decriminalization
Question Two on the November ballot purports to enact a “Sensible State Marijuana Policy.” So packaged, the proposal is likely to pass.
Drug Policy Recommendations
I believe that there are three major reforms that we need to pursue in Massachusetts drug policy: (1) moderation of our sentencing policies; (2) improvement of substance abuse treatment quality; (3) expansion of screening and brief intervention.
Coerced drug treatment — perspective
Coerced treatment has great appeal for parents, judge and prosecutors. But, now that it has become widespread, it is damaging the treatment system and making all treatment less effective.
Cutting the state budget
Observations about where Massachusetts stands in the crisis, how the state is responding, and how the cuts affects our local communities.
Massachusetts strategies to reduce fossil fuel consumption.
Greenhouse gases in Massachusetts come in roughly equal parts from power generation, homes and buildings (mostly from heat, but also industrial processes), and transportation. Currently Massachusetts is moving forward very strongly on the first two sectors.