Will, Please support the proposal by Senator Kennedy to have an interim US Senator appointed to serve while an election is held to fill the position. Thank you, Jim
A tweak, not a turn around
It sounds like the change to the 2004 Massachusetts law regarding the filling of vacant Senate seats is more of a tweak than a complete 180 degree turn around. The proposal does not call for scrapping the special election process in favor of an appointed successor to serve what remains on the term. Rather, it …
Biking Around Alewife
I’ve been biking down the Brighton St. – Alewife – Davis Sq. trail almost daily, and I’ve made a few observations I’d like to share.
On Leadership
“Lost trust reduces our ability to meet our great challenges, which certainly do include health care cost control and ending dependence on fossil fuels. Neither of those issues will be solved by one piece of legislation — they both will require sustained leadership over the next few decades and we should be very reluctant to …
How about a little civility?
Isn’t it time to take a deep breath and reject the tone used by some contributors? To me, when there is more heat than light nothing gets accomplished. The sad and immense loss of Senator Kennedy should make us think deliberately, and act with integrity and charity. How else to serve the common good? J. Knowles
Further comments on Senator Kennedy’s Succession
Thanks to all who have weighed in on this issue at this website or by e-mail. You have greatly contributed to my understanding. I’ve submitted a post with some further thoughts to the Belmont Citizen Herald.