Children falling out of windows

Hi, Will. I’m deeply troubled, this morning, that yet another of the commonwealth’s children has lost his life as a result of falling through a window screen.  I really believe it is high time we do something more than warn parents to keep children away from windows.    I’m wondering what it would take to pass …

Support Interim Senate Appointment

Will, Thanks for your thoughtful piece on Kennedy’s succession proposal to the Legislature. You stated that “there is no higher priority than restoring trust in government — lost trust reduces our ability …” While   “trust …” is A priority, it cannot be  the HIGHEST priority. We need representation in the Senate NOW, and the …

A tweak, not a turn around

It sounds like the change to the 2004 Massachusetts law regarding the filling of vacant Senate seats is more of a tweak than a complete 180 degree turn around. The proposal does not call for scrapping the special election process in favor of an appointed successor to serve what remains on the term. Rather, it …