How to save $2m+ per year from the state budget

Hi Will – you may remember that the state has been through bad times before and there were lots of creative ways of saving money. I was reminded of one way today in a discussion with a colleague from Canada — it’s quite simple — you can cut upwards of $2mm from the budget by eliminating …

State pension obligations

Will, There was an article in Saturday’s NYT entitled “In Budget Crisis States Take Aim at Pension Costs“.  It quotes a pension expert who finds that states like Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana and New Jersey are less than 10 years from exhausting their pension funds. However, as the article says “…paying public pensions straight out of …

Immigration PowerPoint

Representative Brownsberger and I attended an information session at the State House on immigration a couple of weeks ago. Click here to view the informative PowerPoint that was presented by the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), which includes demographics, statistics, and an intro to immigration law.