I thought work was going to start this spring on making a real trail out of the Alewife to Brighton Rd bike path? I biked on it today and it’s still the same dirt path it’s been.
Alewife Brook Water Quality
I am interning in Will’s office this summer and recently attended a hearing on sewer flows into Alewife Brook and the Charles and Mystic basins, which provided a helpful status update on projects to improve water quality. The hearing was to extend the variance allowing for a certain level of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) into …
Pensions – Public and Private
There’s a thoughtful discussion on On Point today about how to handle guaranteed pensions in the face of economic volatility: http://www.onpointradio.org/2010/07/pension-crisis They touch on pensions’ contributions towards budget deficits, how some public employees game their respective systems, and how public salaries differ from private salaries. It’s worth a listen if you’re interested in the issue.
Massachusetts Freedom to Vote Act
I realize there’s not much time left in the current legislative session and that there are probably more than a few good bills that won’t quite make it through the legislative process in time. I hope that the Massachusetts Freedom to Vote Act (H 651 and S. 348), can be one of those that do …
Speed Limit on Rt 3
Hi Will – I was up visiting my parents in Nashua and it struck me that Rt 3 is still posted at 55 MPH. According to the studies that were done during construction it’s a 65 MPH road. Several years ago, I remember a GLOBE article abotu this in which it was indicated that “as …
Blanchard Road Update
I spoke earlier this week with Sue Clippinger, the traffic planner in Cambridge. She said that she was working on getting the application together for a truck ban on Blanchard Road. She said that she had all the necessary data at this stage. She said that she foresaw little objection in Cambridge since most of …