Reflections on School Visits: Challenges in Education Today

“These neighborhoods are our neighborhoods and these children are our children,” explained a distraught President Obama to a grieving public in the wake of the Newtown shootings. Indeed, as a public, we are all invested in the success of our schools and children– in times both of trial and triumph. Our neighborhoods and communities thrive when we …

Reinstate the federal assault weapons ban

Aching for the Sandy Hook children and for the teachers who gave the last full measure of devotion trying to save them, many are asking once again what we can do to better protect innocent people.  To substantially reduce handgun and assault weapon availability, we need a federal solution. From the facts of the case …

Preparing for storm surge

The risk of enhanced storm surge due to sea level rise is an issue that I am taking seriously as a state senator representing low-lying areas in the Charles and Mystic watersheds. I’ve been talking with a lot of people in the region about how to develop some consensus about the risk levels and move the necessary conversations about infrastructure investments.


Program Available for Natural Gas and Fuel Oil Users   The Town of Belmont, through its Energy Committee and the Belmont Municipal Light Department (BMLD), is offering Belmont residents free, comprehensive home energy assessments to save energy and money. Audits can now be obtained whether you heat your home with natural gas or with oil. …

Is there any way to make BMLD more solar-friendly?

Dear Will, I am looking into solar panels for my Belmont house, and have been dismayed to discover how solar-unfriendly BMLD is. In addition to opting out of the Mass rebate program (which is worth up to $4000 when buying panels), the buyback tariff seems designed to discourage solar. If I’m reading the tarriff document …