Securing Schools without Guns: Lots of options, lots of work to be done locally.

I am very happy that legislators are ready to take up the issue of gun control. No one needs the massacre-in-seconds capability provided by assault weapons and large magazines. There is simply no other use for these devices than killing as many people as possible as fast as possible. Until the general proliferation of these …

Macy’s Closing Iconic Belmont Center Store

[note -For me  transportation issues also refer to issues like providing sufficient parking and creating functional streets to attract people to a community. Will – feel free to move this if you don’t feel this is the right forum] BREAKING: Macy’s Closing Iconic Belmont Center Store After more than 70 years on the site, center …

You are Invited to a January 17th Public Information Meeting on Green Line Capacity Issues & Solutions

The Green Line meeting has already happened — but it’s not too late to . . . Share your thoughts online! Elected officials have organized a Public Information Meeting on Green Line Capacity Issues & Solutions on January 17th at the Boston Public Library. If you would like further information about this forum you may contact any of …