New Revenue for Education

There is an active email and call campaign going on in support of the Governor’s revenue package and also a related bill (from “the Campaign for our Communities”) that would also increase the income tax rate. A sample email appears further below. I am personally willing to support any package that will yield funding for …

Quality Early Education: A Means to Securing the American Dream?

In the course of our school visits, Senator Brownsberger and I have witnessed many challenges faced by today’s educators, as well as the impressive work they do with limited resources. Americans have long considered hard work and education as key to achieving the American dream. Recent studies demonstrate, however, that the United States is “less …

Investment in Quality Early Education

Please share your thoughts here regarding the potential for improving students’ and societies’ long-term outcomes by investing in quality early education. Please feel free to reference this piece I wrote to open the conversation:

Armenian Genocide

Recently, I’ve received several emails in the form quoted below, opposing the teaching of the Armenian Genocide. I have been replying as follows. I do support Jon Hecht’s bill, House 420 which would mandate teaching about historical genocides, including the Armenian genocide. I think it would be reasonable to add other historical genocides to the …