Fixing transportation issues in Brighton

How about building an underground train (under the water) to come through Oak Sq. to Newton Corner or Watertown Center? It takes about an hour and 15 minutes to go downtown from Oak Sq. and we live in Boston. Bus #57 stops every few seconds to pick up and drop B.U students and we have …

The Legislature’s Proposed Transportation Plan

Over the next few days, legislators will cast votes on the transportation finance plan recently released by the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees. My hope is that the plan will evolve and expand before our final vote.   I would like to see us add to the plan a stream of additional dedicated transportation revenue …

Watertown Foundation accepting proposals for Riverfront Mini-Grants

We share a press release from the Watertown Community Foundation (WCF) announcing that they are accepting proposals for the 2013 Watertown Riverfront Mini-Grants Program. Below is an excerpt, here is the full Riverfront Mini-Grant Press Release. (Watertown) – The Watertown Community Foundation (WCF) is accepting applications for its 2013 Watertown Riverfront Mini-Grants Program.  The purpose of …

S1111, An Act relative to ski area operations

Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security. TO:           Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security FROM:     Senator William N. Brownsberger RE:            S1111, An Act relative to ski area operations DATE:       April 3, 2013 I am writing in support of S1111, An Act relative to …

Boston's Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance

The real estate industry and many property management companies are spreading false information about the extent of extra costs imposed on building, condo and home owners by the provisions of this ordinance. I hope that your constituents will take the time to read the ordinance and the background reasoning by searching for Building Energy Reporting …