Senate Transportation Plan includes Transparency Enhancements

While the main agenda in yesterday’s transportation discussion was to fund transportation operations and maintenance, we passed a number of amendments to strengthen transparency. A particular issue that had troubled many observers for decades was the secrecy of the MBTA’s pension fund.  The MBTA’s pension plan has been perceived as excessively generous, allowing relatively early retirements. …

The Senate Transportation Plan

The Senate passed its own version of the transportation package after a ten hour session on Saturday.  The vote was 30 to 5 in favor with 3 Republicans and only two anti-tax Democrats opposed. Many of us had hoped for a broader package, along the lines proposed by the Governor in January — addressing not …

Letter to Secretary Davey regarding Green Line concerns

Senator Brownsberger, along with colleagues in the State Senate and House of Representatives, sent a joint letter (Green Line Letter to Secretary Davey 03.28.13) to Secretary Davey outlining concerns about the Green Line.  Much of the content of this letter was gathered at the Public Information Meeting on Green Line Capacity Issues & Solutions that was held …

State House Armenian Genocide Commemoration April 19

State House Armenian Genocide Commemoration April 19: Marching Forth for Recognition BOSTON — Each April for the past 28 years, members of the Armenian community along with state legislators and guests have filled the House Chamber at the State House to commemorate the Armenian Genocide. This year marks the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide …

"Affordable" Housing-What's next?

I would like to find out what can be done to “save” “affordable” and (wheelchair accessible) housing. In the early 1970’s to 1980’s much of the nation’s “affordable” housing which now houses elderly, disabled and low-income families with children was built. Prospective developers got government subsidies from the tax payers (all of us) and many …