Thank you for the support for change!

Thanks for the great response — a number of very thoughtful posts in this forum. I have read them all (as of 2/10). Additionally, I received several dozen personal email responses on the issue, to which I have also responded. Many good stories, many useful arguments, some helpful specific suggestions. At a high level, I …

For those who are for more gun control laws, please answer these questions.

I’d especially like to hear the thoughts of any state legislators. 1. Do you believe the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right of an individual to own a gun? 2. If the answer to the above is yes, what restrictions do you think should be considered acceptable? So, what kind of guns? How many? Where can …

What share of guns in private hands were acquired from private sellers?

An important question in the national debate is what share of weapons are acquired from private sellers. Private sellers do not need to conduct background checks when they make sales. The President, in his proposal to require background checks for all gun sales states: Right now, federally licensed firearms dealers are required to run background …

Re: Non-competition agreement in another profession

Dear Will, I am 100% in favor of getting rid of non-competition agreements. They even exist in other professions than the tech industry. I remember that a friend had to sign a non-competion agreement when she went to work at a beauty salon. She could not work for another salon or open a salon within …

Non-competes of "very limited utility" in China, unenforceable in India

While China and India are often accused of having lax labor standards, non-competes are one area where their laws are stronger than in Massachusetts. Perhaps we should consider their laws as a model for Massachusetts: Re China, from “Employers simply need to face the fact that non-competition agreements have very limited utility under Chinese …