Watertown Police Outreach Meeting

I’m upset and also alarmed that police invite us to an “outreach” meeting that turned out to be an hour and a half of schmoozing and mututal self-congratulation, and NOT A SINGLE QUESTION submitted in writing was responded to or even read. First, it would have been helpful if we were told in advance that …

Tobacco Taxation

I’ve recently received some correspondence along the following lines: Dear Senator William Brownsberger: Please vote no on an ACROSS THE BOARD tobacco tax increase. Smokeless tobacco does not pose the same health threats and general repugnancy as do cigarettes (with the exception of spittoons as ground litter.). Cigarette smoke affects lungs(aerobic fitness potential, etc.), nearby …

S210, An Act relative to safe and supportive schools

Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Education. TO:                  Joint Committee on Education FROM:            Senator William N. Brownsberger RE:                   Senate Bill 210, An Act Relative to Safe and Supportive Schools DATE:             May 29, 2013 I am writing in favor of S210, An Act Relative to Safe and Supportive Schools. This …

Welfare Fraud

Will, The State Auditors scathing report on Welfare Fraud yesterday confirms my and many others suspicions that the Welfare System is ripe with massive fraud. Taxpayers are outraged at the protectionism the Welfare System has been getting from lawmakers. There will be backlash from the citizenry/voters over this. If we are to give money out, …