A-B-C Stormwater Flooding Board bill becomes law

S1857, An Act extending the Environmental Joint Powers Agreement that created the A-B-C Stormwater Flooding Board, originally filed in January by Senator Brownsberger asS343, was signed into law this morning by Governor Patrick. The new law authorizes a procedure to retroactively extend the environmental joint powers agreement, authorized in 2005, that created the Arlington-Belmont-Cambridge Stormwater Flooding Board. …

Much to do in January

As the first leg of the 2013-14 legislative cycle wound down this evening (November 20), we wrapped up time critical legislation, but we left other major legislation until January.  Massachusetts works on a two year legislative cycle, so unfinished business can be deferred without losing any forward progress.  In adjourning the session this evening, the …

Belmont to See Increase in Round One of Community Preservation Trust Fund Distribution by DOR

The Community Preservation Act, signed into law in 2000, authorizes communities to create local Community Preservation Funds for the purpose of open space protection, affordable housing, outdoor recreation, and historic preservation. A community’s monies are raised through imposing a surcharge not greater than 3% of the tax levy on real property. Communities may adopt the CPA through …

Massachusetts Leads in Veteran Services

Massachusetts Leads in Veteran Services Please find below a Press Release from the Veterans Affairs Committee about spending on veterans’ needs.   It is a summary state-to-state comparison, but does tell the story that we in Massachusetts have made veterans’ services a high priority. ====================================================== The General Court of Massachusetts State House, Boston, 02133-1053   …

The Boston Mayor’s Race

Congratulations to Marty Walsh and to John Connolly for running honorable campaigns for a big job.  They are both special people who care deeply about the city and who care enough to give their all for the opportunity to serve the city. Special congratulations to Marty for winning.  I was neutral in the race and have great respect for both …

Legislative Updates — History

See the links below for summary pieces on legislative activity. Will’s wrap-up of the 2013 session. Will’s wrap-up of election law changes in the 2012 formal session (ending July 31) Official summary of 2012 Senate legislative accomplishments (formal session) Speaker’s summary of the 2011 Session Legislative Stats for the 2009-2010 Session The 2009-2010 Session — …