Lobbying/Campaign Finance/Ethics/Open Meeting Reform Law of 2009

Did you serve on the 13-member Task Force On Public Integrity that made recommendations towards the important law, An Act to Improve the Laws Relating to Ethics and Lobbying? I’m trying to find someone with specific knowledge of the text concerning the Open Meeting Law — I think that an error may have been made …

I-90 Viaduct Interchange Improvement Project Letter

Senator Brownsberger and his colleagues representing Allston and Brighton, sent a letter urging MassDOT Secretary Richard A. Davey to establish a stakeholder working group for the I-90 Viaduct Interchange Improvement Project. January 9, 2014 Secretary Richard A. Davey Massachusetts Department of Transportation 10 Park Plaza, Suite 4160 Boston, MA 02116 Dear Secretary Davey, The I-90 …

Bikes on the MBTA

In response to a constituent inquiry I recently learned that nearly all MBTA diesel buses have a front mounted bike rack.  Unfortunately for many of our Belmont and Watertown constituents, none of the electric buses (71,72,73) are equipped due to electrical safety concerns. Have you taken a bike and bus trip?  How was it? Let …

Cambridge Street Bridge Deck Replacement

MassDOT has released revised plans ahead of next Tuesday’s public meeting for the Cambridge Street bridge deck replacement project.  A November 19th meeting drew more than 200 residents, many of whom voiced concern over the original plans.  Several community organizations and more than 300 residents sent a letter to MassDOT with recommendations for the project.  …

Congratulations to Mayor Walsh on his Inauguration

I attended the inauguration of Boston’s new mayor Marty Walsh today and very much appreciated his focus on the issue of violence in the city. I look forward to supporting his efforts to bring peace to our neighborhoods. You may read his Inaugural Address here. His press release appears below. ——————————— Mayor Martin J. Walsh Sworn in as 54th Mayor of the City …