Senator Brownsberger is chairing a legislatively-created Special Commission to Reduce the Recidivism of Sex Offenders. Here is information about the Commission, its legislative charge, and meeting agendas and minutes.
Comm. Ave. Green Line Improvements Public Meeting October 23
Please join Senator Brownsberger and other elected officials on Thursday, October 23, 6:00-8:00 PM at the Boston Public Library for a presentation by MBTA personnel on a proposed project to consolidate four Green Line stops along Commonwealth Avenue. Here are more details about the meeting.
Pension/OPEB obligations
Roger Wrubel expresses concern about pensions and Other Post-Employment Benefit obligations in Belmont, and asks what can be done at the state level to control these obligations.
Alternatives for energy price stability
Daniel Winter raises concerns about our increasing dependence on natural gas for energy, and discusses alternatives to the current energy consumption patterns in Massachusetts.
Daytime Lane Closures – I-90 Median Barrier Project
In an effort to reduce the overall duration of the I-90 Median Barrier Project, MassDOT has announced that it will be starting a daytime work pilot program involving lane closures during off-peak daytime hours. If the pilot is successful, this could help speed along the project, which has been causing heavy delays during peak periods.
Joint Committee on Telecommunications Utilities and Energy Session Highlights
The Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy (TUE) had a productive 2013-2014 legislative session, notably advancing legislation, ultimately signed into law, which addressed aging natural gas infrastructure, broadband expansion and renewable energy resources in Massachusetts.