Based on e-mails like this, Senator Brownsberger has signed on as a co-sponsor of SD1048, which encourages equitable and diverse gender representation on boards of directors. The post includes a link to the text of the legislation.
GMOs: Revisited
Now that last session’s legislation on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food products has been refiled, I’m trying to gauge interest in a local symposium on the subject. We could put together a program of informed presenters on the science and the legal framework and have a discussion someplace in my district. I’d also welcome further discussion at this site.
Massachusetts Ave/Commonwealth Ave Bridge – MassDOT Public Hearing
Next Wednesday, February 11, MassDOT will host a public meeting at the Boston Public Library from 6 to 8 p.m. regarding replacement of the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge over Commonwealth Avenue in the Back Bay. Here is more information on the meeting from MassDOT.
MA Senate Begins Commonwealth Conversations Tour
Senator Brownsberger is visiting all eight regions of the Commonwealth Conversation tour crossing the state between February 4 and March 11. The tour, including a Metro Boston session he will lead on March 4, will be an opportunity for senators to listen directly to residents, businesses, and interest groups, and then come together in shared leadership to craft an agenda for the next legislative session.
Apply now to attend the Spring Citizens’ Legislative Seminar
The 74rd Citizens’ Legislative Seminar will be held on Tuesday, April 28 and Wednesday, April 29. This is a great opportunity for residents to get a firsthand look at how the legislative process works, and have a better understanding of state government. Senator Brownsberger encourages his constituents to apply to attend the seminar.
The State’s Budget Woes
Unlike previous economic recoveries, revenues aren’t growing as fast as the state has budgeted. For the next couple of years, this will have an impact both on state spending–we have to work very hard to stretch available dollars–and on how revenues are estimated when state budgets are built.