I appreciate very much that MassDOT has been moving forward with truck safety improvements.
Utility Gas Rate Relief
Many have spoken out about high utility bills this winter, especially gas bills. On Friday, the Department of Public Utilities responded with orders cutting costs.
Get the right heat pump in 2025
Two generations of heat pumps will be on the market in 2025; consumers would be well-advised to make sure that they install the latest generation.
Massachusetts Corrections in 2025
In last year’s budget, the legislature set up a “special commission to study and examine opportunities for collaboration and consolidation among the department of correction, the county sheriffs, the parole board and the office of community corrections.”
Immigrants and Emergency Assistance
The legislature is currently finalizing its latest legislation to shore up the commonwealth’s emergency shelter system.
Dangerous times
I’m hearing from a lot of people concerned about the upheaval in the federal government.