Contract for Fresh Pond and Mount Auburn intersection awarded

The DCR has awarded a contract to develop an approach to improving the system of intersections around Mt. Auburn Street and Fresh Pond Parkway. The accepted proposal conveys a strong understanding of the problems around the intersection and the potential for change. It contemplates an early public meeting and we will make sure that this is publicized broadly when it is scheduled.

Interesting proposal for Mass Ave redesign in Cambridge

This is someone else’s work; I just saw it and thought it made a tremendous amount of sense. The motivation is: Mass Ave in Cambridge devotes far more space than necessary to automobile traffic, based on existing car counts, and is too dangerous for many people to bike, and traffic jams there impede transit. …

FY17 Budget Priorities Letter to Senate Ways and Means

Today, Senator Brownsberger submitted this letter to the Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means outlining his budget priorities for Fiscal Year 2017 (beginning on July 1, 2016). Education, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, and addressing excessive fees on people on probation and parole are among his top priorities.

Planning for more flooding

Climate change is creating more rainfall and higher sea levels, both of which will contribute to more flooding in our neighborhoods. We have a couple of decades before the problems really come home, but the lead times are long for major projects. Understanding the risks and building regional momentum to respond will remain a continuing priority of mine over the years to come.

Patient Experience Survey Results Released

On Tuesday, February 2, 2016, Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP) announces the results of the only independent statewide patient experience survey at The survey encompassed nearly 65,000 patients from more than 500 primary care practices representing approximately 4,000 physicians across the state, who responded to the question of whether they would recommend their primary …