Two recent presentations by the MBTA show good progress towards future improvements: Red Line Capacity Constraints A recent comprehensive study of the Red Line indicated that a new vehicles, signal upgrades and operations improvements could result in major service improvements and an increase in system throughput, effectively increasing capacity. Automated Fare Collection 2.0 AFC 2.0 will be a completely …
2015-2016: Legislative Session Wrapup
It’s a good time to review highlights of the 2015-2016 legislative session, especially MBTA reform, transgender rights, and criminal justice reform–an area where, as Senate Chair of the Judiciary, I hope to accomplish a great deal more in future years.
Arsenal Street Corridor Study: Public Meeting
Please join the Massachusetts Department of Transportation for a Public Information Meeting on the Arsenal Street Corridor Study Tuesday, October 4, 2016 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Watertown Middle School, Auditorium & Cafeteria 68 Waverley Ave, Watertown, MA The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is studying the Arsenal Street Corridor in Watertown. This study will develop …
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The Future of Bridgewater State Hospital
On Tuesday afternoon, the Baker administration unveiled its comprehensive plan to transform Bridgewater State Hospital from a correctional facility to a more clinically focused health treatment center. According to Secretary of Public Safety and Security Dan Bennett, 190 correctional officers will be removed from Bridgewater’s interior and stationed in alternative locations, including the facility’s exterior. …
Why States Are Taking A Fresh Look At Drug-Free Zones
The Huffington Post reports on the recent scrutiny facing drug-free zones.
Simmons athletic field reopens, prioritizes eco-friendliness
The Daily Free Press, an independent student newspaper at BU reported on the reopening of Daily Field.